How to stay healthy guide

You health is very important, like always prevention is the best way. Having the healthiest and best lifestyle possible ensure you live a fuller, more energetic, longer and happier life where you have more confidence and self esteem.

Here are a few tips which you may want to follow to help you out live a healthier life.. Don't worry you wont regret it.

The first on the list is to stop smoking, taking drugs or consuming or having any harmful substance which can have a detrimental effect on your health. Smoking and drugs slowly destroys your insides. For example the smoke in cigarettes is full of tar and chemicals which can stick to and wreck your organs such as your lungs. People who smoke have a much lower life expectancy than anyone who does not smoke. It really is not worth the risk.
The chemicals in these harmful substances can erode away your insides and also the chemicals can also cause mutations in your cells causing cancer. The addictiveness of smoking and drugs means that many will carry on smoking or taking drugs despite the health risks.

Tip number 2 is a simple one. Drink more water. This may seem simple but many people are not getting enough water and are dehydrated for much of the day.. without water your body cannot work at full efficiency. Typically you should really be drinking is around eight glasses of water a day but the question is are you? Water is vital we cannot live without it, it helps rid our body's of toxins and keeps our body functioning.

Eating a healthy balanced diet is also next on our list of things to stick to if you want to stay healthy. Don't skip meals. Don't eat sugar. Don't even calorie count. Let me explain... Skipping meals such as breakfast is particularly bad as it causes us to feel hungry until lunch meaning we may snack on sugary snack before then leading me onto my next point on sugar.. its not fat that causes weight gain it is actually sugar... Sugar causes a increase in blood sugar levels to combat this our body will then release a hormone called insulin which is a fat storage hormone in a effort to reduce sugar levels by converting it into fat.
Not only that but sugar causes huge spike in energy levels which are not consistent and will only last for a short space of time making you feel hungry quickly.... whereas foods that are slowly digested and are rich in fiber will help you feel fuller for longer meaning you wont be snacking.

Eating organic food is a must. Today to many people eat processed garbage that has no real nutritional benefit to it like that in ready meals.. full of sugar sweeteners and made in a way to reduce calories but in effect reduces nutritional content of the food too... Its best to cook your own food from scratch with healthy organic food... Organic food is also good because many farmers nowadays will use pesticides on crops or in animals they will use growth hormone drugs which all can have a negative impact on our own health.  Instead look on labels see how it was produced. where it came from.... Knowing more about your food will help you live a more chemical and preservative free life and you will be more healthy for it.

Balance is the key not calorie counting... Calorie counting is a load of rubbish to be frank. 100 calories of sugar for example is not the same as 100 calories of protein they both offer different nutrition and one can be worse than the other. The key is to not target a set amount of calories per day but instead look to see if you are eating a balanced diet or not. Eating when your hungry and not starving yourself when your body obviously is in need of food is also a very good idea.

Choose brown not white.

Brown foods are a lot better for you. The idea is simple next time you go supermarket shopping try to buy the brown rice or bread rather than the white bread or rice...This is because white bread and rice has been totally stripped of any nutritional value they once had and have been bleached to to make them whiter. Really what is all that is left with these white foods is the carbohydrates (sugar) with no fiber to go with this carbohydrates means that these foods are quickly digested and absorbed into your bloodstream resulting ina spike in your blood sugar level and the fat storage hormone insulin being released.. in other words eating these white foods is very much the same as eating plain sugar really.

Also brown Rice rich in fiber can help lower cholesterol.

Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals..? it has been seen that being deficient oin vitamins and minerals can actually not only effect your health by causing diseases like osteoporosis but also can if you are still at a age where you are growing stunt your growth. This conclusion comes from recent studies on famine stricken countries where those growing up in famine where much smaller in height compared to there predecessors who did not grow up in famine.

Fat are not that bad you just need to know what fats you should and shouldn't be eating. For example some fats are actually good for you like the omega fats which have been shown to help increase concentration and improve brain power.. its true! We need fats
Saturated and trans fat are bad whcih are often found in fried foods and ready meals can increase cholestrol and increase the risk of heart disease too. I is very important to avoid this kind of fat. Read the labels on your food if you want to know whether it contains saturated or any other kind of fat in it.

Trans fats are often found in margarine, snack cakes and ready meals
Saturated fats tend to be found in meat that is why it is particularity important that you do not cook meat with extra trans hydrogenated trans fat oil.

Good fats help the brain, and even the heart believe it or not.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are what you should be looking out for.

Monounsaturated fats like olive oil, peanut oil and over plant oils should be used to cook foods with.
Polyunsaturated includes the omega fats which help boost your brain power..... found mostly in fish but alo this fat can also be found in walnuts, and flaxseeds too.


Protein is very important to your diets but some people seem to think that it is more important than all the other food groups and the main focus of there diets concentrates on protein when really it should be a balance of all food groups not just protein. That being said protein is quite important as it is essential to your cell repair and growth. Its not just meat like chicken that you can get protein from but also beans also contain protein.. a good choice if you want to avoid the saturated fats found in some meats.

Protein is made up of 20 amino acids a couple with are essential and are not produced by your body that is why it is important to eat protein.

calcium found in mostly dairy products should not be ignored.. calcium contributes to good bone health.. but did you know that your body could be missing out on a lot of the calcium you consume due to lack of vitamin D? You need vitamin D which can be go from the sun to help you better absorb the calcium in your diet.

Salty diets are bad? If you eat lots of salty snack it can actually be quite bad for your health.. not only does slat increase cholesterol and block your arteries but a salty diet can also increase the acidity in the stomach.. you body will then try to neutralize and restore the balance by using mineral reserves which are in your bones... reducing bone density and effecting bone health.. people with acid diets have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis.

Many read meals contain lots of salt to enhance taste so yet another reason to avoid them. Try not to also add extra salt to your food instead to enhance flavor to bland food try adding some healthy herbs and spices instead.

Sleep right it is important for your health to get a good night sleep. Sleep is the chance for your body to repair itself.. not sleeping enough can reduce the time the body has to help restore itself.

Keep active

Now you know how to have a healthy diet it is also important to stay healthy through being active.. This doesn't necessarily mean that you must commit to a exercise regime as many nowadays are to busy for this.. it just means that you must be active for the majority of the day. Many of us today are not as active as our ancestors.. our body's have not been designed to be sat in front of a computer or tv screen for hours a day. It is important to stay active for our health.

Running is a great cardio exercise, but if you find running boring then why not playing sport with your friends? There really isnt a excuse not to stay active... even just walking more can help.

I do hope that you take this advise on board, good luck!

 I couldn't fit everything you need to know in one guide but you can read loads more health advise here on thephysiquemorpher, if you cant find something here there are plenty other health sites that can help you as well lead a more healthier lifestyle such as Nuovahealth.


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